How to work in a team / Series - Take note


Laura: Hey, how’s it going?

Joan: Hi, how are you doing?

Laura: Great, and you?

Joan: Great. I’m calling to see if you’d like to go to the cinema.

Laura: No, sorry, I can’t today. I have plans with some classmates to prepare a group project.

Joan: That is exactly one of the things that I liked best when I was studying at university.

Laura: Really? Actually, we are getting together to prepare everything, since we don’t know where to begin…

Joan: If you are well coordinated, it can be a very rewarding task! My group and I always thought of ourselves as a sports team: there had to be a captain, and each of the other members would take responsibility for one task.

Laura: Could you tell me a bit more about it?

Joan: Of course!

Laura: I’m all ears.

Joan: Listen! 

Joan (voice off): 

  1. Figure that all teams need a good training ground. The university offers spaces in the libraries and buildings that enable the students to do projects under the most appropriate conditions, with an Internet connection, available books …
  2. The captain must be a leader who can get each member of the team to give his/her best. Think of the professor as the coach of the team: he/she will help you correct and improve your work throughout the process, so that the end results are optimal. So, take advantage of your contact with the teachers to show them your progress as your work develops.

Laura: That’s a good starting point. But could you give me some more information?

  1. Also remember that the new technologies, and especially the Internet, offer some tools that facilitate teamwork: organizing meetings; discussing content; sharing image, video, and text files; agreeing on a shared calendar of tasks …
  2. The emotional health of the group is essential. Conflicts are sure to arise easily in the group: you will all have to learn to negotiate and share responsibilities. 

Laura: Now I understand how it all works. 

Joan: Yes. In the end, it’s all very simple.

Laura: So, you have to keep in mind that …

Joan (voice off). The following guidelines also appear on the screen []: 

  1. The keys to good results are: selecting a good team, training to correct errors, operating as a single unit and learning to negotiate. [Being well-coordinated and learning to negotiate] 

Laura: I’m going to speak with the others to put this advice into practice. Bye!

Joan: Goodbye, good luck!

Universitat de les Illes Balears
Universitat d'Alacant, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Universitat de València

University students work in groups a large part of the time. We present the elements that will help you create an efficient team. Remember that learning to handle teamwork will be fundamental to your professional future.
versió catalana, versión castellanaenglish version,

Take note